Sean McLoughlin Drops New YouTube Special: ‘So Be It’
UPDATED: July 31, 2023
UPDATED: July 31, 2023

In his latest comedy special, So Be It, Sean McLoughlin captivates audiences with his witty observations and relatable anecdotes. The comedian discusses topics ranging from the importance of living life to the fullest, to the trials and tribulations experienced within relationships. His unique perspective on British, Canadian, and American societies showcases the subtle humor intertwined within the cultural comparisons.

With a blend of edgy humor and thought-provoking insights, McLoughlin leaves the audience contemplating extensive topics while simultaneously keeping them entertained. The YouTube special, produced by 800 Pound Gorilla, ensures that fans of the British comedian will not be disappointed by the performance offered in this incredible showcase.

New Special: So Be It

In this performance, McLoughlin delivers his unique perspective on life, relationships, and society, all while keeping the audience in stitches. Through his witty observations and candid storytelling, he shares his thoughts on various topics, such as the influence of big tech companies, the differences between Canadians and Americans, and the allure of French culture. Let’s take a deeper look:

Life’s Worth Living

In his latest comedic special, Sean McLaughlin takes the stage with a powerful message: life is worth living. Faced with numerous setbacks throughout his 15-year career, Sean has remained proud of his accomplishments and his ability to maintain authenticity.

The comedian’s distinct approach to his craft is showcased throughout So Be It, as Sean embraces his insecurities and the challenges he’s faced. When discussing the hardships he’s encountered, he boldly states that he will stick it to the man and not let them get to him. This perseverance is a testament to Sean’s dedication and love for comedy.

Sean also shares his thoughts on various topics, such as the influence of big tech companies and the relentless nature of American culture. He uses humor to emphasize the importance of not letting these entities take too much control over one’s life, shedding light on topics relatable to many in the audience.

An integral part of Sean’s charm comes from his candidness about personal relationships. His stories of navigating different partnerships reflect his journey through life and provide valuable anecdotes for the audience. As he talks about marriage and his wife, one can’t help but notice the genuine affection and respect he has for her.

In So Be It, Sean McLaughlin has delivered an unapologetic outlook on life through his whimsical and candid comedic style, proving that despite setbacks and challenges, life is, indeed, worth living.

People of Bristol

During the show, McLaughlin touched upon the unique aspects of Bristol, showcasing his appreciation for the city and its residents. Some of the well-received topics included the famous Wallace and Gromit films and Bristol’s mixed historical legacy.

Throughout the performance, McLaughlin demonstrated his ability to connect with the people of Bristol on a personal level, often engaging the crowd in direct conversation. This skillful approach made the audience members feel like an important part of the show and further increased their enjoyment of the experience.

As a comedian, Sean McLaughlin celebrated his 15th year in the industry during his performance. Over this period, he has worked hard to remain true to his artistic vision, maintaining his integrity and authenticity as a comedian. The passion for his craft was evident throughout the entire show, as he delivered every joke with gusto and enthusiasm.

The YouTube comedy special delivers an exceptional performance by Sean McLaughlin, reflecting his ability to captivate audiences and leave them in a state of laughter. The people of Bristol will undoubtedly cherish this unforgettable evening spent with a talented comedian.

Sticking it to the Man

Sean McLoughlin discusses his unique approach to fighting the power, particularly when it comes to big tech companies like Google. McLoughlin’s plan to stick it to the man involves feeding them false information every morning for an hour.

He shares that every time he has a genuine question to ask Google, he asks five “buffer” questions in order to throw the tech giant off. According to McLoughlin, this is the only way to win in today’s intrusive world ruled by technology. He humorously points out that Google continues to advertise despite being a universally known company, and he’s left wondering why they need to solicit even more information and business from the public.

McLoughlin further emphasizes his point by comparing Google to an intrusive person who would be sent to prison if they weren’t a faceless corporation. He argues that by feeding Google misinformation, he is essentially declawing the tech behemoth and regaining some semblance of privacy. While his approach may seem peculiar, McLoughlin demonstrates a unique perspective through his comedic storytelling.

The special also touches on McLoughlin’s insights into other topics, such as his marriage and his admiration for the French that add variety and depth to his act. Overall, So Be It is a must-watch for those who enjoy thought-provoking comedy with a healthy dose of rebellion.

Marriage and Relationships

Sean McLoughlin also reveals his thoughts on marriage and relationships. He expresses how much he loves his wife, acknowledging that she’s a better person than him and deserves the best. Through his comedic lens, he cracks jokes about relationships, making the audience ponder the concept that if someone is better than their partner, should they leave them?

The part of the special where Sean discusses his past relationships is particularly insightful. He compares his ex-girlfriend to his wife, highlighting the negativity in his previous relationship. At her worst, his ex-girlfriend was abusive and manipulative, but at her best, she refrained from those behaviors. Sean looks back on this as an eye-opening experience, and now cherishes his marriage even more.

One notable aspect of So Be It is Sean’s hilarious perspective on the differences between Canadians and Americans. With his wife being Canadian, he plays on the stereotypes and similarities between the two cultures. Moreover, he entertains the idea of moving to Canada, finding it to be a more appealing country. The way he contrasts Canadian standards to those of the United Kingdom demonstrates his wit and keen observation skills.

The Marriage and Relationships section of Sean McLoughlin’s So Be It offers an entertaining mix of humor, introspection, and cultural observation. Using his own experiences as fodder for his comedy, he captivates the audience, making them both laugh and reflect on their own relationships.

Canadian and American Comparisons

Sean McLoughlin also shares his insights into the similarities and differences between Canadians and Americans. McLoughlin’s experience with both nationalities, including having a Canadian wife, gives him a unique perspective on this topic.

McLoughlin suggests that Canadians and Americans are more alike than they are different, even though one might argue that certain distinctions separate the two groups. To him, those who claim otherwise might just be trying to sell maple syrup. Through the lens of humor, McLoughlin emphasizes that both nationalities share a lot of common ground.

However, the comedian also acknowledges differences, particularly when it comes to societal standards. He recounts an experience where he saw Canada’s ability to handle extreme weather, such as functioning in -30 degrees Celsius temperatures, versus the UK’s struggle with even minuscule disruptions. This observation carries over to the comparison between Canada and the US, leading McLoughlin to wonder whether North America’s general resilience sets it apart from other parts of the world.

Throughout the special, McLoughlin combines his witty observations with a thoughtful exploration of Canadian and American similarities. His engaging storytelling captivates audiences, stirring laughter and reflection alike in this unique take on international relations.

Standards in the UK and Canada

Sean McLoughlin highlighted the differences in standards between the United Kingdom and Canada. His observations touch on the resilience and efficiency of Canadians in dealing with extreme weather conditions, in comparison to the struggles faced by the UK in similar situations.

During his act, McLoughlin mentioned how he was impressed by Ottawa International Airport’s ability to operate seamlessly in -30-degree conditions. He contrasted this with the British transportation system’s susceptibility to malfunctioning when faced with minor challenges such as dairy product spills on train tracks. The comedian’s comments illustrate the gap in preparedness between the two countries when it comes to infrastructure and adverse situations.

Apart from infrastructure, McLoughlin touches upon the cultural differences between the UK and Canada, particularly admiring the French influence in Canada. He appreciated the French attributes of being thoughtful, philosophical, and their ability to adapt and quit when faced with difficulties. The comedian’s admiration for Canadian culture and their approach to life resonates with his audience, making his observations insightful and relatable.

Sean McLoughlin’s observations highlight a few key differences in the way the United Kingdom and Canada approach challenges and maintaining standards. Despite the anecdotal nature of his commentary, McLoughlin’s experiences serve as food for thought on the differing cultural, infrastructure, and adaptability standards between these two countries.

Appreciating the French

The French have a certain allure that Sean McLoughlin can’t help but admire. Their thoughtful and philosophical approach to life sets them apart from other nationalities, as they seem to appreciate life in a more profound way. This fascination with the French culture is evident throughout Sean’s So Be It YouTube comedy special, as he reflects on the qualities he finds so captivating about these intriguing people.

In his comedy, Sean often discusses how deeply the French seem to embrace life’s pleasures. From savoring a glass of red wine to engaging in rich conversations, it is clear that the French possess a unique understanding of what it means to truly enjoy life. This admiration for the French spirit drives much of Sean’s humor, as he contrasts their approach to life with other cultures.

An essential aspect of the French persona that Sean highlights is their ability to embrace life’s challenges. More specifically, he explains how their resilience and pragmatic determination lead them to successfully adapt and overcome any obstacles they may face, in both a humorous and surprisingly motivational way.

Throughout So Be It, Sean McLoughlin underscores the importance of appreciating the French culture and adopting their values in overcoming life’s challenges. His humor, infused with admiration and understanding, celebrates the captivating essence of the French people. While he may not be French himself, Sean shows that he truly appreciates their way of life and keeps finding it an endless source of inspiration for his comedy.

Final Thoughts

Sean McLoughlin’s new YouTube special, So Be It, is a must-watch for comedy lovers. McLoughlin’s comedic style is unique and refreshing, combining witty observations with self-deprecating humor. The special, produced by 800 Pound Gorilla, showcases McLoughlin’s talent as a comedian and his ability to connect with his audience.

One of the standout features of So Be It is McLoughlin’s ability to tackle sensitive topics with humor and sensitivity. He doesn’t shy away from controversial issues, but instead approaches them with a level of nuance that is often lacking in comedy. McLoughlin’s ability to make his audience laugh while also making them think is a testament to his skill as a comedian.

The production value of So Be It is also worth noting. The special is well-shot and edited, with high-quality sound and lighting. The attention to detail in the production of the special adds to the overall viewing experience and makes it clear that a lot of effort went into making it.

Overall, So Be It is a fantastic addition to Sean McLoughlin’s body of work. It showcases his unique comedic style and ability to tackle sensitive topics with humor and nuance. If you’re looking for a good laugh and some thought-provoking comedy, So Be It is definitely worth checking out.


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